HOLIDAY HARMONY (2022) A HOLLYWOOD CHRISTMAS (2022) HOTEL FOR THE HOLIDAYS (2022) Please note that all Christmas movies are rated on a curve for very obvious reasons. HOLIDAY HARMONY While I think it's perfectly plausible to enjoy Holiday Harmony as a Noel-flavored anesthetic agent for your eyes—with the added bonus of Brooke Shields—some things still … Continue reading Short YuleTube Reviews: HOLIDAY HARMONY (2022), A HOLLYWOOD CHRISTMAS (2022), HOTEL FOR THE HOLIDAYS (2022)

Emilia, Cucu, and Adela who all have thick curly hair, sitting in lawn chairs, dressed for the pool. Behind them is Victor with his arms crossed, looking down and smiling. Tropical plants and a yellow beach umbrella are behind him. Tagline: the American dream...pero not quite. max ORIGINAL GORDITA CHRONICLES

GORDITA CHRONICLES (2022): A Dream of Series…Crushed by Cancellation

Gordita Chronicles is a whole American Dream of a series, and it is an OUTRAGE and a CRIMINAL ACT that HBO didn't renew it for a second season. Hopefully, it will get picked up somewhere else. For now, we have ten glorious episodes of this smart, warm, funny, insightful show, which tells the story of … Continue reading GORDITA CHRONICLES (2022): A Dream of Series…Crushed by Cancellation

Against a green floor with a yellow line down the middle, there are similar ornate rugs on either side of the line. An older, well-dressed woman is lying on each side of the line, reaching across grabbing the woman by the hair and screaming. In red font at the top: THE BEST FAMILIES A film by JAVIER FUENTES-LEON. At the bottom of the poster: FAMILY CAN BE A BATTLEFIELD.

LAS MEJORES FAMILIAS (THE BEST FAMILIES) (2020): A Deliciously Dark Comedy

Is there a word specifically for stumbling across a movie that delights you in wholly unexpected ways? If not, we should coin one. Then, I would immediately apply it to Las Mejores Familias (The Best Families)—a black comedy about the upheaval that ensues when two intertwined upper-class Peruvian families unearth decades old secrets at a … Continue reading LAS MEJORES FAMILIAS (THE BEST FAMILIES) (2020): A Deliciously Dark Comedy

CRISTIN MILIOTI BILLY MAGNUSSEN AND RAY ROMANO MAX ORIGINAL MADE FOR LOVE MODERN LOVE IS A MINDF**CK Against a blue background the top portion of Hazel's head with wet hair and some pixelated strips across her face. Behind her is a desert landscape. Her brown eyes are open wide in a fearful expression.

Review: MADE FOR LOVE S1 (2021) is Weird, Funny, Dark, and Deeply Relatable

Made for Love is weird, funny, dark, and also deeply relatable—which is perhaps an unexpected thing to say about a show that boasts both a dolphin and a sex doll in its main cast of characters. Ten years ago Hazel Green (Cristin Milioti), who was a small-time con-artist from a broken home, went on a … Continue reading Review: MADE FOR LOVE S1 (2021) is Weird, Funny, Dark, and Deeply Relatable

Minx main cast from left Shelly, Ricky, Doug, Joyce, Bambi, Tina, and Glenn. Laying in front of them is a naked man on his side. Behind them is the mock up of a magazine it says max original Minx. $1.00 March 1972, Vol. 1 Hot off the presses

Review: MINX (2022) is a Smart, Funny, Snappy Series That, Yes, Also Shows a LOT of Schlongs

Please be advised that while watching Minx a lot of schlongs in your face will schwing. Okay, schwing might be a tad dramatic since most are more static than kinetic, but forewarned is forearmed (or forepenised, as the case may be), and I leave it up to you to decide if it's a pro, a … Continue reading Review: MINX (2022) is a Smart, Funny, Snappy Series That, Yes, Also Shows a LOT of Schlongs

Starstruck promo picture. Tom in a blue shirt reflected in one mirror brushing his teeth with a black electric toothbrush standing next to Jessie, in a white button down shirt, reflected in another mirror brushing her teeth with a manual toothbrush. They looking at each other out out of the corners of the their eyes.

Review: STARSTRUCK Season 2 Manages to Be Better Than The Already Perfect Season 1

Much of the beauty of Starstruck is in its brevity, which may sound like a slight, but it's really a full-throated endorsement. Each of the six episodes is perfectly bite-sized, making the entire season, whether enjoyed in one sitting or spread across several, a delectable treat that perfectly satiates your need for comedy and romance, … Continue reading Review: STARSTRUCK Season 2 Manages to Be Better Than The Already Perfect Season 1

Hyper-saturated, stylized to look partially drawn photo of Sebi sitting on a bed with their hands in their lap, their eyes looking to one side. Behind them is a mustard colored wall. Above their head it says THE FUTURE IS THEIRS. To their left it has the logo for TIFF. Below it says: max ORIGINAL Sort of.

Review: SORT OF is a Totally Captivating Series—That Might Also Sort Of Be Like Cilantro

I wasn't exactly looking for a gentle Canadian dramedy with imperfect characters whose thorny and often aloof exteriors belie their deeply compassionate and complex interiors, but Sort Of is unexpected in a lot of ways. I'm thrilled I stumbled across the series, which swept me up in its complicated, charismatic, funny, and genuine world.  Sabi … Continue reading Review: SORT OF is a Totally Captivating Series—That Might Also Sort Of Be Like Cilantro